- Bagpipe Journey
- Bagpipe Paintings and Etchings
- Bagpipe Tunes
- Bagpiper.Com
- Canadian Bagpipe
- College of Piping
- De Nationale Doedeldag
- Dutch Uilleann Pipers Club
- EZ Piper
- Galician Bagpipes
- Ian Kinnear Small Pipes
- Introduction to Bagpipe Music
- Midipiper's MP3s
- Northumbrian Small Pipes
- Northumbrian Smallpipes
- Parade Shine
- Pibau Pencader
- Pibroch
- Piper and Drummer Magazine
- Pitch Pipe Bagpipe Tuner
- Regimental Drum Major
- Richard and Anita Evans
- Ringo's Bagpipe Pages
- Ross Bagpipe Reeds
- Scottish Piper
- Steve MacLeod's Bagpipe
- Swedish Bagpipes 2
- The Bagpipe Web Directory
- The Bagpipes of Poitou
- The Universe of Bagpipes
- The VOICE Online
- Uillean Pipes References
- Uilleann Pipes Obsession
- Viper Piper's Bagpipe Tunes
- Welsh Bagpipes